Top 10k strings from Spectraxx - Issue 09 (1988)(Spectraxx Tape Magazine)(Side A).tzx
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6 ;" ": 3 UUUUUUUUUU 2 diff=32768 2 X,Y;A$(N): 2 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUz 2 STARTUP SUBROUTINE 2 PROFF=9100 2 PRINT ON SUBROUTINE 2 PRINT OFF SUBROUTINE 2 PARAMETERS SUBROUTINE 2 LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 2 GGGGGGGBBGFFCDD 2 CHARLOC=32256 2 CHARLOC=15360 2 ;"SPECTRAXX ISSUE NO.9 - MAY. 1988"' 2 ;"PRESS THE KEY OF YOUR CHOICE" 2 ;"PRESS A KEY." 2 ;" ": 2 ;" " 2 +diff-CH*768 2 (CHARLOC/256 2 @ 1 ~B40X~~~~~~4 1 |TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTee 1 y&2UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUg 1 wUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUdd 1 fffffDffff 1 fDDffDDDDfffffDDD 1 e@@@@@@@@@@@@@@`````````````````` 1 `fUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU` 1 `UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUpp5p5p5p5p5p5p5pPPPPPPPPPPPPPP 1 \^UUUUTUUUUUUUUTUUUUUUUUTUUUUUUUz 1 UUUUUUUXUUW 1 UUUUUUUUUUp 1 UUUUUUUUUUX 1 UUUUTUUUUUUUUTUUUUUUUUTUUUUUUU_\ 1 U5##55####55555###? 1 Spectraxx Tape Magazine 1 SPECTRAXX ISSUE 9 MAY 1988 1 SPECTRAXX ISSUE 8 APRIL 1988 1 SEE YOU NEXT MONTH!! 1 M9A!GaM!q!A 1 Lee Tonks + team 1 LOADING PART 2 1 GGGGOOGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGWWGGGGGGGG 1 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1 GEGGGGGDDG 1 GEFFFFGEBEECGGGGEGGGGGDD 1 GEDEEEEEEGGFGGGGGGGC 1 GCCFCFGGGEDDDDDDDDDDDEDF 1 EGGGGGGGGGG 1 EEEEEEGEGG 1 EEEEEEGCBCBCBCBCBCBCBCBF 1 EECDDDDGGFGGBBGE 1 DDFFGFGGBBGE 1 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDFGGFFFFFFFDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDFFFFFFFFDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDFFFFFFFFDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDFFFFFFFFDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDFDDFFFFFDDDDGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGDFGGFFFFFDDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFDDCCCCCCCCCEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFDDCCCCCCCCCEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFDDCCCCCCCCCEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFDDGGGGGGGGEEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFDDGGGGGGGGEEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFDDGGGGGGGGEEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFDDGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFDDGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFDDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFEFFFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEBBBBBBBBBBBBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEBBBBBBBBBBBBI 1 DDDDDBBBDDDDDDDBB 1 CDEGGGGGGGDDGE 1 CCDDGEBDDGGGGGGGGGGGDD 1 CCCCCBCBCBCBCBBCBCCCBCBCBCCCBCF 1 BCBCBCBCCCBCBCFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFGECBCBCBCBCBCBCB 1 A$=A$+"this time until he can find a way back! To do this,the prof.#must explore this strange,new time and discover how to reverse#the time machines effects. Many characters are around,ready to#help or to hinder you at every opportunity." 1 A$=A$+"the bakery on LEVEL D,SECTOR F. Go to LEVEL A by using the tube#on LEVEL D,SECTOR F and get the first key to M-CENTRAL from the#DIRECTOR ROOM. Store this somewhere safe! To get safely past the#DANGER room in SECTOR C,LEVEL E,you must pick up the dust bomb#and drop it into the disposal unit before the time runs out." 1 A$=A$+"seekers,of which you have a limited supply. A shield is also#provided to help you. The idea is to collect over 1500 units of#cargo before exiting the level,if you get that far...." 1 A$=A$+"rightful owners. To do this,he must progress through ten levels#of nasties,each increasing in difficulty and with a giant devil#to defeat at the end of each one! Icons can help him and give#powers such as bombs,higher jumps,extendable ladders and even#wings! Each level is against the clock,so KARNOV must be quick!" 1 A$=A$+"grenades very wisely! Also available are icons that will give#extra ammo or firepower and tanks which allow your men to run#over the enemy,making nice squishy sounds." 1 A$=A$+"great heights can do more than give you a headache! Amoeba and#other such creatures are included to hassle you even more by#chasing you around the tunnels that you make." 1 A$=A$+"get a bit closer to him. If Skeletor gets the key,the universe#is doomed! Enter He-Man,the strongest man in the univers. He#must walk the streets of America,finding chords and fighting#Skeletor's hit men. Once eight chords are collected,He-Man can#fight Skeletor for possession of the key and the supreme title#of MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE!" 1 A$=A$+"game which is totally non-violent. Urgh! Still,GREMLIN does have#the knack of turning trashy ideas into good games,so... It#sounds like it's time to switch onto red alert as DOMARK is at#it again and this time it's another Bond game! LIVE AND LET DIE#is the title and it had better not be as crap as the other two#were! JOE BLADE II looks great and guess what it's the sequel we couldn't either,but I think PLAYERS knows." 1 A$=A$+"cars will also hassle your ninja,along with a host of other#moving nasties. Stunts which can be done in mid-air will improve#your score if completed or flatten your nose if you mess them#up! All this is against a tight clock which can only be extended#by picking up the small clock-shaped icons." 1 A$=A$+"Yes! This is my sort of game! The two player option on IKARI#WARRIORS is what really makes the game for me! Running through#the jungle with a friend is a lot more fun than the solo mission#of most games of this type. I highly recommend this,well done#ELITE,it's your best for a long time! RON." 1 A$=A$+"Okay,let's start with the apologies again. Due to some#unexplained shift in the earths magnetic field,last months issue#refused to work in 128 mode of the 128k machines. This was#unfortunately only discovered after lots of copies had gone out!#Oops! Also,we only have two screen shots in reviews again! #However,to make up for all of the shots you've missed,there are#extra screen shots for every game reviewed this month on side 2#of the cassette,along with a wappy utility! Enjoy! Ed." 1 A$=A$+"Now then,while we're on the subject of cheat modes,all of you#ROLLING THUNDER players will want this little snippet! Try#typing JIMBO on the joystick selection screen to make your man#invincible (but don't drop in the lava pits or CRASH!). Also,all#you hackers may like to try pressing CAPS SHIFT and M to bring#up a strange screen full of numbers,obviously important." 1 A$=A$+"NINJA SCOOTER SIMULATOR. Well what a stupid name. Good start,eh?#The game,fortunately,is a lot better than the title with some#pretty mean graphics but no sound. The scrolling is fast,the#action furious and the game too easy! I completed it second time#around! I've seen better,but i've also seen worse! RON." 1 A$=A$+"I totally agree with the review above. RON. (OY! More than that#or you don't get payed! ED) Er,the scrolling is fine if a little#jerky at times but apart from the loading and the high price#tag,I can't really fault it. RON." 1 A$=A$+"GREMLIN's third is now almost ready and looks nothing like the#two that came before it! In fact it looks rather good! Review#pretty soon,I should think. Just to finish off with a laugh,i've#just seen FIREBIRD's next new SUPER SILVER game and it''s#an INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHAS / DEFENDA clone! HA HA HA HA HA#HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Newsroom..." 1 A$=A$+"Flip me! It's hard to beleive that such a totally ace game could#be done on the Spectrum! The graphics are the best ever,the#colour the best ever,the playability the best ever,the sound the#best ever,the... (OKAY! We get the idea! Ed.) Phew,just go out#now and get it 'cos you'll never regret it! RON." 1 A$=A$+"#GAME - MONSTER#COMPANY - HAGGISOFT#PRICE - `3.99#ADDRESS - HAGGISOFT,3D SHERWOOD ROAD,HURLFORD,KILMARNOCK,# AYRSHIRE,KA1 5DW#OVERALL MARK - 86%" 1 A$=A$+"#And that's all we've got time for this month. Just time to say,#don't forget to send us any hints or tips you my have for#new(ish) games and we'll give you a mention! Byeee!" 1 A$=A$+"##Yes,well,the graphics aren't really very good on this one are#they? The graphics on the original BOULDERDASH games were quite#blocky,but they were better than these. It's not really as good#as the FIRST STAR originals,but for `2.99... RON." 1 A$=A$+"##Say! This isn't too bad after all! I wasn't looking forward to#another plastic toy game but my faith in GREMLIN is restored as#it is,in fact,very playable. One quibble,the beat-em-up sequence#is a bit slow. Otherwise,great! RON." 1 A$="WOW! The graphics on KARNOV are immensely colourful,even though#there is a bit of clash and the large black masks on the sprites#are hardly subtle! The game is very fast and addictive but is#spoiled by an annoying multi-load system that means you have to#load a new bit every time you finish a level! This is very long#and loads at normal speed! Boring! It's pretty good,but I can't#see it holding it's interest for long,because of this. YAZ.##" 1 A$="The latest biggie in the offices is the re-released MARSPORT#from GARGOYLE GAMES. Just for all you players who are in troub#(innit,peeps!),here's a bit of the solutions!#Get the gun permit from LEVEL E,SECTOR G and put it in the key#slot on LEVEL D,SECTOR D. You can now get the gun from the#locker and fill it up in a charge unit. Go to sectors A,D and C#on LEVEL D and collect the FLOUR,WATER and TIN. Mix these in a#FACTOR unit to produce a cake. Put this in the key slot outside#" 1 A$="The first thing that comes to mind when you play NINJA SCOOTER#SIMULATOR (apart from the ridiculous name!) is METROCROSS. The#game is similar both in graphics and gameplay although it is#slightly better in the graphics department. As with most games#by PROBE,the game is played to absolutely no musical#accompanyment and sound effects are minimal. Not bad,but it'll#soon get very boring once you've done all the courses. YAZ.##" 1 A$="The first MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE suffered from,#so I approched this one with care. However,GREMLIN's offering is#much better than US GOLD's. The graphics are quite good,although#a bit weird in places. Also,there is plenty of variety,a scrolly#bit,a beat-em-up,a PROHIBITION type subgame and more! Pretty#good in fact! I can recommend this to most people,although I#can't see it appealing to the younger audience that the toys are#aimed at. YAZ." 1 A$="The Budget and Full Price Charts - April 1988##Yawn! Another pretty boring month with hardly any changes in#either chart! Most of the full price chart is taken up with#OCEAN games and CODE MASTERS are still hogging the budget chart!#Come on everyone,wake up! Two new entries into the budget chart#are both re-releases! Boring! When is anyone going to make some#new budget stuff? Ah well,there's always next month." 1 A$="SPECTRAXX EDITORIAL - MAY 1988##" 1 A$="ROCKFORD - MAD X / REVIEW CODE NUMBER - 0000062##Everyone knows Rockford,the cute,foot-tapping character who#starred in all three of the BOULDERDASH games! Well,he's back in#the computer conversion of the arcade game,ROCKFORD. The idea,as#in the BOULDERDASH games,is very simple. A certain amount of#treasure must be collected within a time limit and only then can#the exit to the next level be used. However,the gravity in the#underground complex is very strange and boulders that fall from#" 1 A$="ON SIDE B OF THE TAPE ARE FIVE POKES -##NORTHSTAR - INFINITE LIVES#SCUMBALL - INFINITE LIVES AND ENERGY#BMX KIDZ - INFINITE ENERGY#ROLLAROUND - INFINITE LIVES AND TIME#NOMAD +3 - INFINITE LIVES##USE THE EXIT PROGRAM FEATURE AND TYPE LOAD """" TO LOAD THESE." 1 A$="NINJA SCOOTER SIM. - FIREBIRD / REVIEW CODE NUMBER - 0000065##Combine a martial arts game with a simulation of some sort and#what do you get? A mess...or NINJA SCOOTER SIMULATOR from the#lads at PROBE. The idea is to take your scooter riding ninja#from one end of a deadly course to the other. Each course#includes ramps,holes,mud and various other obstacles which must#either be jumped or avoided or simply ridden over. Skeletons in#" 1 A$="MONSTER - HAGGISOFT (?)##Professor Pointer is one of the loonies who did the chewits ad.#on the telly! He's come up with a theory about time travel and#is being laughed at very seriously! In a last attempt to save#his reputation as a serious scientist,he builds a machine that#will send him hurtling through time! The final switch is pushed,#there is a flash and he's back in god-knows-when! Unfortunately,#his machine is still in 1988 and this means that he's trapped in#" 1 A$="MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE - GREMLIN / REVIEW CODE NUMBER - 0000066##Anyone remember the original MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE game from#US GOLD? Yeah,so do we unfortunately. However,GREMLIN have had a#go at converting the movie to our Speccy screens! The cosmic key#has fallen through a dimension warp into our universe and is now#in the hands of an American schoolkid. He thinks it's a musical#instrument,but every note he plays on it lets the evil Skeletor#" 1 A$="MAGIC BYTES used to work for ARIOLASOFT but unfortunately,they#went down the plug hole. So now,GREMLIN is handling their#software (OO-ER!) and one of the first releases will be VAMPIRES#EMPIRE! This is based on the old Count Dracula theme and#involves you trying to get to the vampire to give him his lunch#of STAKE and chips! Also out soon will be the official PINK#PANTHER game! Keep those eyes open men!" 1 A$="KARNOV - ELECTRIC DREAMS / REVIEW CODE NUMBER - 0000064##In the small village of Creamina, somewhere in Russia,the#ancient Treasure of Babylon was kept safe for centuries. But Ryu#the wizard found the Treasure and nicked it using his army of#ghouls and evil demons. These have been left behind while Ryu#does a runner. Jinborov Karnovski (KARNOV to his mates) is the#only one who can defeat Ryu and return the Treasure to it's#" 1 A$="IKARI WARRIORS - ELITE / REVIEW CODE NUMBER - 0000063##General Alexander Bonn has been captured by the enemy,who are#holding him hostage at his own HQ,deep in the jungle. Luckily,#some of his men are on their way to rescue him. Unfortunately,#nobody told them how to fly their plane and it crashes,deeper#into the jungle. Two survive and decide to complete the journey#on foot. The jungle is swarming with enemy soldiers who will try#to take out your men at every opportunity,so use your ammo and#" 1 A$="I never really wanted to be a Tips Minion you know. I wanted to#be a LUMBERJACK,leaping from tree to tree as...oops! Sorry! Er..#here are this months TIPS! First of all,i'm going to put all of#you CYBERNOID players out of your misery. There is a cheat mode!#To access it,go to redefine keys and type YXES. At tune will#play. Then,redefine the keys to what you want,start up and#you're off with infinite lives! I love to see happy gamesters!#" 1 A$="Hope that helps you all! Now,the fabbo DAN DARE 2 and we have#the complete solution to level 1 for all you dimbos who still#can't do it! Really! Directions are represented by one letter.##L,D,D,L,L,L,L,U,R,U,U,L,L,D,L,D,shoot forcefield generator,R,R,#D,D,shoot supertreen,U,R,R,R,R,D,shoot supertreen,D,shoot super-#treens,D,R,get energy,L,D,avoid crusher,L,shoot supertreen,D,L,#D,shoot supertreen,D,L,L,L,U,R,U,U,L,L,D,R,get in between the#doors and wait until the time runs out! BOOM!#" 1 A$="Hey! I haven't seen an adventure of this high quality for quite#some time! The game is created using Gilsoft's Professional#Adventure Writer,making response almost instant and the vocab.#is very large. Graphics are good but not stunning. The whole#program has a very attractive look to it with a redesigned#character set that doesn't make the well written text impossible#to read! A great piece of work,well worth the dosh!" 1 A$="Hello,and welcome to another adventures column! We had a great#response to our proposed adventure,THE GREEN DEATH. Sadly,as you#may have noticed,the game isn't present this month. This is due#to the fact that it isn't finished yet...and only nutters play#half finished games! Hope you don't mind waiting another month,#but it will definately be on next months issue (fingers crossed)#which is out on the first of June (or maybe a bit earlier 'cos#we're off on holiday!) so get your order in now! On with this#months column now,here's a review! Ed." 1 A$="H..h..h..hello,this is Mel Newsroom,your new news personality#with another couple of pages of news! Whack of the week is Pete#Cooke's newie called EARTHLIGHT and it looks ace,what? Oh,you#haven't seen it. Well,with a bit of luck,we'll have a review#next month! The game involves killing a lot of things on a high#speed,scrolling,3D landscape! Nice! GREMLIN ruins my faith in#them by producing the ultra-sickly,all American,MICKEY MOUSE#" 1 A$="GAME - ROCKFORD#COMPANY - MAD X#MEMORY - 48/128 PRICE - `2.99#CONTROL - REDEFINABLE KEYS,KEMPSTON,CURSOR,SINCLAIR#SOUND - NOT A LOT,BEEPY TUNE,SQUELCHY EFFECTS.#COLOUR - WELL USED,NO CLASHES.#GENERAL - A GREAT FOLLOW UP TO BOULDERDASH AND VERY PLAYABLE.##GRAPHICS - 65%#PLAYABILITY - 85%#ADDICTIVENESS - 88%#VALUE - 86%#OVERALL - 81%" 1 A$="GAME - NINJA SCOOTER SIMULATOR#COMPANY - FIREBIRD#MEMORY - 48/128 PRICE - `1.99#CONTROL - REDEFINABLE KEYS,KEMPSTON,CURSOR,SINCLAIR#SOUND - NO TUNE,HARDLY ANY SPOT EFFECTS.#COLOUR - MONOCHROME SCREENS.#GENERAL - NOT BAD,BUT THERE ARE BETTER METROCROSS TYPE GAMES.##GRAPHICS - 84%#PLAYABILITY - 80%#ADDICTIVENESS - 60%#VALUE - 75%#OVERALL - 75%" 1 A$="GAME - MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE (THE MOVIE)#COMPANY - GREMLIN#MEMORY - 48/128 PRICE - `7.99#CONTROL - PREDEFINED KEYS,KEMPSTON,CURSOR,SINCLAIR#SOUND - TUNE,PLUS WEEDY SPOT EFFECTS.#COLOUR - MONOCHROME SCREENS,COLOURFUL ON BEAT-EM-UP SECTION.#GENERAL - GREAT STUFF,LOTS OF VARIETY. ANOTHER GREMLIN WINNER.##GRAPHICS - 80%#PLAYABILITY - 75%#ADDICTIVENESS - 86%#VALUE - 84%#OVERALL - 81%" 1 A$="GAME - KARNOV#COMPANY - ELECTRIC DREAMS#MEMORY - 48/128 PRICE - `9.99#CONTROL - PREDEFINED KEYS,KEMPSTON,CURSOR,SINCLAIR#SOUND - BEEPS AND SPLATS,NO TUNE.#COLOUR - GREAT! A FEW CLASHES BUT HARDLY NOTICABLE.#GENERAL - A GREAT GAME,SPOILED ONLY BY THE ANNOYING MULTI-LOAD.##GRAPHICS - 92%#PLAYABILITY - 85%#ADDICTIVENESS - 75%#VALUE - 80%#OVERALL - 83%" 1 A$="GAME - IKARI WARRIORS#COMPANY - ELITE#MEMORY - 48/128 PRICE - `8.99#CONTROL - REDEFINABLE KEYS,KEMPSTON,CURSOR,SINCLAIR#SOUND - PATHETIC TUNE ON 128K,NICE EXPLOSIONS THOUGH!#COLOUR - NOT BAD,A FEW CLASHES HERE AND THERE.#GENERAL - A GOOD TWO PLAYER,COMMANDO TYPE GAME,SHOULD SELL WELL.##GRAPHICS - 81%#PLAYABILITY - 80%#ADDICTIVENESS - 85%#VALUE - 80%#OVERALL - 82%" 1 A$="GAME - CYBERNOID,THE FIGHTING MACHINE#COMPANY - HEWSON#MEMORY - 48/128 PRICE - `7.95#CONTROL - REDEFINABLE KEYS,KEMPSTON,SINCLAIR#SOUND - NOT MUCH ON 48K BUT AN ACE,CONSTANT TUNE AND FX ON 128K.#COLOUR - GASP! AMAZING!#GENERAL - CYBERNOID,PROBABLY THE BEST GAME IN THE WORLD.##GRAPHICS - 98%#PLAYABILITY - 97%#ADDICTIVENESS - 98%#VALUE - 97%#OVERALL - 98%" 1 A$="Exactly like COMMANDO,only different. IKARI WARRIORS is only#about a year late but it's still a great game! Running through#the jungle,blasting everything,getting into tanks and grenading#helicopters is great fun! The tune on the 128k is pretty feeble,#but the explosions are rare! This would have done a lot better#in 1987,but will still do well in 1988! YAZ.##" 1 A$="CYBERNOID - HEWSON / REVIEW CODE NUMBER - 0000061##Aharr! Jim,lad! Pirates is the name of the game (Oh,I thought#it was CYBERNOID. Ed.) and they've broken into and ransacked one#of the Federations ammo and weapon stores! They've nicked all#the ace new lasers and stuff and switched on the Automatic#Defence System (TM) to stop you,the CYBERNOID pilot, stopping#them. You must fly your ship through the complex and destroy#everything with your lasers,bombs,mines,bouncing bombs and#" 1 A$="CODE MASTERS make it onto the telly again to advertise their#latest game,THE RACE AGAINST TIME,on GET FRESH. But could you#tell the difference between Gaz and Gilbert? No,we couldn't#either. HA HA! Sorry,that was just me laughing at GO!'s BIONIC#COMMANDOS 'cos it Sorry lads,but the graphics#do need sprucing up a bit! Not content with two MASK games,#" 1 A$="Anybody heard of Edmund Blackadder? Well,GRAND SLAM's next game#has absolutely nothing to do with him at all. In fact,it's about#a traffic warden called CHUBBY GRISTLE. It's a platform type#game from the creators of MONTY MOLE,Pete Harrap and Shaun#Hollingworth! The graphics look very MOLEish and that's probably#no bad thing! Anyway,it shouldn't be out for quite a while yet,#but when it is,it'll cost a mere `7.95." 1 A$="And if SHANGHAI KARATE isn't enough for you,GO!'s latest arcade#conversion is the very violent STREET FIGHTER which involves#flying off to all nine corners of the world just to get involved#in a pub brawl....? It involves beating up men from all over the#place,including a punk from England...?? The graphics are mass,#the programming by TIERTEX and the playability....??? You'll#just have to wait until the review next month,or buy it 'cos#it's out now at `8.99." 1 A$="Alas,as you probalby already know if you've read ADVENTURES,#there's no GREEN DEATH game as yet! But fear not,as we have an#absolutely wappy utility for you to load up and use that'll make#your loading screens just a little bit more interesting to watch#as they load into your Speccy. Say no more,except that it's on#after the pokes (now on the start of side B) and to load it in#the usual way." 1 A$="AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH-SOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Yup! It's another karate game!#Wait! Come back,this one's a bit different to the other fifty#thousand! SHANGHAI KARATE is by PLAYERS and is programmed by the#same team who worked on such amazing achievements as JOE BLADE#and DEVIANTS! It promises to feature lots of digitised graphics#and 128k sound effects and plenty of violence for all of you#sadistic maniacs out there! And it'll be out about now,only#setting you back a mere `1.99!" 1 A$="AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh..... This is ACE,MEGA,COOL,#BRILLIANT,etc! Raffaele Cecco sure knows how to program an ace#game on the Speccy! The graphics are amazingly detailed and#colourful and the 128k tune is simply the best i've ever heard!#Add that to a totally addictive and smooth game and you can't go#wrong at all! Hewson's best game ever! YAZ.##" 1 A$="'Raayy!! Rockford's finally back! I loved all of the BOULDERDASH#games and so I really like ROCKFORD. Unfortunately,the graphics#are rather poor and are more of a step backwards than a step#forwards,the original BOULDERDASH games had better graphics as#far as i'm concerned. Still,it's fast,it's fun and it's blimmin'#difficult! With a free game on side B,how can you go wrong? YAZ." 1 @;@;@;@;@;@;@;@TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTUU 1 ?UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUWW 1 ?QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQee 1 ;"THE FULL PRICE TOP TEN - APRIL 1988 - COMPILED BY GALLUP" 1 ;"THE BUDGET TOP TEN - APRIL 1988 - COMPILED BY GALLUP" 1 ;"SPECTRAXX IS LOADING"; 1 ;"SPECTACULAR" 1 ;"PLEASE WAIT" 1 ;"5.EXIT PROGRAM" 1 ;"5. LOAD PART 2" 1 ;"4.SIDE B"; 1 ;"4.PLAYING TIPS"; 1 ;"3.CHARTS"; 1 ;"3. REVIEWS"; 1 ;"2.PREVIEWS"; 1 ;"2.NEWS"; 1 ;"1.ADVENTURES"; 1 ;"1. EDITORIAL"; 1 ;" SPECTRAXX "; 1 ;" LOAD NUMBER TWO :- MAIN MENU " 1 ;" LOAD NUMBER ONE :- MAIN MENU " 1 ;" A "; 1 999999999999999999 1 5555555557 1 55555#55557755555? 1 333333333333333333 1 $Spectraxx Issue 9, Side A - May 1988 1 #####@@@#######@@?& 1 "10. (NEW) RENEGADE - IMAGINE"," 9. (7) GUNSHIP - MICROPROSE"," 8. (NEW) 720 DEGREES - US GOLD"," 7. (NEW) GARY LINEKERS SOCCER - GREMLIN"," 6. (6) THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN - OCEAN" 1 "10. (6) PRO SKI SIMULATOR - CODE MASTERS"," 9. (8) DIZZY - CODE MASTERS"," 8. (4) GRAND PRIX SIM. - CODE MASTERS"," 7. (10) SOCCER BOSS - ALTERNATIVE"," 6. (3) FRUIT MACHINE SIM. - CODE MASTERS"," 5. (2) ATV SIMULATOR - CODE MASTERS" 1 " 5. (4) COMBAT SCHOOL - OCEAN"," 4. (5) GARFIELD - THE EDGE"," 3. (3) MATCH DAY II - OCEAN"," 2. (1) OUTRUN - US GOLD"," 1. (2) PLATOON - OCEAN" 1 " 4. (NEW) EXPLODING FIST - RICOCHET"," 3. (5) SUPER STUNT MAN - CODE MASTERS"," 2. (NEW) GHOSTBUSTERS - RICOCHET"," 1. (1) KIKSTART II - MASTERTRONIC"